We will go as far each week as we can, and continue the following week so we can cover the whole book at our own pace. We finish the book in the Spring of 2019.
Stan Burgess, world renowned scholar and historian will lead us through Habermas' book that examines a broad variety of relevant historical material, both Scriptural and otherwise to show how Christ using every valued historical method fulfills the requirements for a legitimate historical figure.
We will read the book and discuss the theological, moral, and social subtleties of Lewis' thinking in story, metaphor, and analogy. If we feel this study warrants further time, we will extend the sessions into August. If you wish to take one of these sessions, please contact Doug Olena.
We will be moving to the Corner House on the 22 of July at 9:00 AM
Mark and Lynda Hausfeld have agreed to visit us from time to time to help guide the study. Members of ET, they have been missionaries in Pakistan, and area directors. Mark has been President of AGTS, and participant in Global Initiative: Reaching Muslim Peoples. Lynda, working with Global Initiative has developed a program called Say Hello to reach Muslim women. Both have long experience with Muslim people and helping them find Christ, and with Christians helping them open their hearts to Muslim people.